1. 1.
    evet mesaj trafigi de boyle... yagmurlu havalarda kullanin, kullandirin (:

    eric: its so hard right now...
    kiz: what?!
    eric: ... not to get wet...
    kiz: are u drunk
    eric: i wish i had an umbrella
    kiz: i am so confused
    eric: god damn rain has just stopped
    eric: what were u thinking lol, whats so confusing? i just caught in the rain (:
    kiz: haha that was just so random
    eric: it was hard to text while walking in the rain lol
    kiz: lol, yaa u shouldnt do that
    eric: i put my wet clothes to the dryer and having coffee now
    kiz: Mm sounds good (: even tho i dont like coffee
    eric: then you just lost your chance of having coffee with me, but not hot chocolate lol
    kiz: lol, oh well, i go to starbucks all the time
    eric: so when are we going there?
    kiz: lol, idk
    eric: what about tomorrow at 4:30, at campus center starbucks?
    kiz: Umm ok that works
    eric: ok then see u there
    kiz: text me tomorrow so i know u didnt forget!
    eric: why dont u text me to remind it lol
    kiz: haha ok i will
  2. 2.
    az sonra tam textleri de koyayim da ogrenin bari bunlari
  3. 3.
    yagmurun getirdigi avantajlar iste bunlar hep
  4. 4.
    ağm siiiğngin in diğ ğeeeyn (:

  5. 5.
    lan züt coffee ye strong deil hard giberim seni bak akıllı ol
  6. 6.
    gerekli kosullarin olusmasi gerekiyo islemesi icin ama gideri var (:
  7. 7.
    kelime oyunu yapmak yasaklanmış ozip, içeri alıyorlar direk. sil derim başın yanmasın
  8. 8.
    herkes öğrensin olm bu yöntemi, iş yapar birkaç sene boyunca. *
  9. 9.
    hemen baslik asdasdas
  10. 10.
    ve eric fuckman ;)