1. 1.
    for foreigners

    guys we will attack nike's ad . deal or no deal? selected writing will be shown on screens at the highest buildings of johannesburg. if we accomplish this, 5th star will fuck all the others . other stars will be unimportant.mesut özil is between players will be selected.exactly it is for us. perhabs our writing isnt able to be but we can take mesut to first .

    direct useful facebook link =

    the slogan is determined

    lets write over and over
    "" pearl of the football ""

    it means "futbolun incisi" in turkish

    we will write this slogan then we will laud mesut. however this is a international event. it aint able to be accomplished wtih 100-150 people. we have to be more crowded.

    there is "who will write the future?". click it , it direct towards facebook

    facebook link

    main nike.com link=

    we select mesut as footballer but we will determine the headline. deal or no deal?

    in summary : we are coming to fuck pussy of the world
    summary 2 : nowadays we will be gathered. our attack will be organized.lets inform mods

    quotations from uncle obama
    "yes, we can"
    "yes, we can"
    "yes, we can"
    "yes, we can"

    original turkish headline
    (bkz: inci dünyanın dıbına koymaya geliyor)
  2. 2.
    mods publish at "olan biten"
    up up up up up up up
  3. 3.
    respect to work + rep
  4. 4.
    come on guys

    lets do it
  5. 5.
    up up up up up up up up up up up up up up
  6. 6.
    @15 ekgib gördüğün bişey varsa söyle aga
  7. 7.
    @2 its translated from original headline , accordingly its writer's choice not mine
  8. 8.
    yes we can

    direct useful facebook link =

    the slogan is determined

    lets write over and over
    "" pearl of the football ""
  9. 9.
    lets write over and over
    pearl of the football
  10. 10.
    direct useful facebook link =

    the slogan is determined

    lets write over and over
    "" pearl of the football ""
  11. 11.
    direct useful facebook link =

    the slogan is determined

    lets write over and over
    "" pearl of the football ""
  12. 12.
    up up up up up