1. 451.
    Wilf: They've gone, then? Good-oh. If you could let me out?
    The Doctor: Yeah...
    Wilf: Only, this thing seems to be making a bit of a noise...
    The Doctor: The Master left the nuclear bolt running. It's gone into overload.
    Wilf: And that's bad, then, is it?
    The Doctor: No, because the excess radiation gets vented inside there. Vinvocci glass. Contains it. All 500,000 rads, about to flood that thing.
    Wilf: Oh... well you'd better let me out then!
    The Doctor: Except it's gone critical. Touch one control, and it floods. [The Doctor looks at his sonic screwdriver] Even this would set it off.
    Wilf: I'm sorry.
    The Doctor: [quietly] Sure.
    Wilf: Look, just leave me.
    The Doctor: [angrily] OK, right, then, I will. Because you just had to go in there, didn't you? You had to go and get stuck, oh yes! Because that's who you are, Wilfred! You were always this. Waiting for me all this time!
    Wilf: Oh, really, just leave me. I'm an old man, Doctor, I've had my time.
    The Doctor: [still angry] Well, exactly, look at you. Not remotely important. But me... I could do so much more! So much more! But this is what I get, my reward. And it's not fair! [resigned to his fate] Oh... lived too long. [Wilf pleads with him to reconsider sacrificing himself] Wilfred. It's my honour. [Enters the booth] Better be quick: three, two, one...
    [The Doctor locks his booth, letting Wilf out, and collapses in agony as his body absorbs all the radiation]

    10. doctor'un en sevdiğim sahnesi. neden bilmiyorum.
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