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    tarafında oldum. onlar da gezsin eğlendim istedim ama artık yeter" diyorsanız 5555' e boş mesaj atarak onları sözlükten ihraç ettirebilirsiniz.

    - Amnesty International

    Amnesty International is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all. With more than 2.2 million members and subscribers in more than 150 countries, they conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated. http://www.amnesty.org
    Children’s Defense Fund (CDF): The CDF is a child advocacy organization that works to ensure a level playing field for all children. CDF champions policies and programs that lift children out of poverty, protect them from abuse and neglect and ensure their right to equal care and education.
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