1. 1.
    not. BEyler adam negro değildi ama çok havalı bir esmer adamdı.
    You: negro
    Partner: ok
    Partner: ass
    You: americam
    Partner: wio
    You: you are the american trash
    Partner: ok
    Partner: and what are you
    You: unneccesary in 300 million
    Partner: shit from no one cares?
    Partner: no one cares about turkey
    You: you have no race?
    You: no 500 years history :D
    Partner: who cares about historty?
    Partner: you dumb shit
    You: your language is english.
    Partner: and how did you know that?
    Partner: cause you had to learn it hahahahaha
    You: i dint learn fucking
    You: american
    You: english
    You: not american
    Partner: salam malecm
    You: your dumb language is empty.
    Partner: i know arabic
    Partner: french
    Partner: and spanish
    Partner: dip shit
    You: you are
    You: my left ball is handsome than you
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