1. 1.
    As in other sightseeing trips song lyrics of the song tells the trip to the park resistance and provides anti- AKP rhetoric . lyrics politicians, protesters and politicians to dörtlükd içerir.ilk polils that the prime minister has a criticism . the prime minister's name is not used here , but it evokes the words are used. ' robe was mow self , as if the sultan ' words çağrıştırılıp prime minister has criticized him . itself felt, as the sultan and all the powers of the prime minister himself will be highlighted in the collection request . uncompromising attitude during the events of the trip in the park the devil in the words of hatred in even jealous are highlighted. A second dörtlükd ' I raised fist ' statement describes the struggle of the protesters . left said another way to do anymore with all those negative resistance is emphasized that the only way to be . here 's AKP government uncompromising attitudes are find out what we can . sorted pawns against me in the expression pawns police benzetilmiştir.b express use of reason a trip to the park during the events of police literally an arm of government as if is used and blackened wall has been likened to '' istanbul one in the park I've had a hell '' in the words police used excessive intervention in the trip to the park is a criticism

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