/i/Soruları Alayım

    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
  1. 51.
    i will put yoğurt in your mother vagina and i will fuck than make a ayran
    1. 1.
      nickinde meymenet yok
    2. 2.
      My nick mean is arabeskpop if there are arabeskrap why are there arabeskpop
      1. 1.
        edit: my nick means arabesk-pop. if there's arabesk-rap, why souldn't be arabesk-pop?
        because it's fucking arabesk mixed with a genre of music. arabesk idiot!
      2. 2.
        +2 -2
        أنا ابن أحد الأطفال على حماية
      3. 3.
        Hahaahhahahaa hurr ya hahahaha
      4. diğerleri 1
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