1. 76.
    ---azıcık entelli mod on---
    The fact that the theories and strategies of nationalism are always caught
    up in the contradiction between universality and particularism is a generally accepted idea which can be developed in an infinite range of ways. In actual fact, nationalism is a force for uniformity and rationalization and it also nurtures the fetishes of a national identity which derives from the origins of the nation and has, allegedly, to be preserved from any form of dispersal. What interests me here is not the general form of this contradiction, but the way it is exhibited by racism.
    In fact racism figures both on the side of the universal and the particular. The excess it represents in relation to nationalism, and therefore the supplement it brings to it, tends both to universalize it, to correct its
    lack of universality, and to particularize it, to correct its lack of speci￾ficity. In other words, racism actually adds to the ambiguous nature of nationalism, which means that, through racism, nationalism engages in a
    'headlong flight forward', a metamorphosis of its material contradictions into ideal contradictions.
    ---azıcık entelli kod off---
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