
  1. 1.
    Every muslim ppl have to be ruled by shariah, those who reject it become munafiq. I think ur not a religious person i dont want you to feel upset but we will bring the shariah. (Btw i m not a fan of erdogan)

    Feel free to go fuck urself haha
    1. 1.
      All muslim must be ruled by shariah, those who reject it are munafiq. I think that you are not religious, I don't want you to be upset but we are going to bring shariah. (Btw I am not a fan of Erdogan)

      Feel free to go fuck yourself. Haha.

      Google translate kullanmayın.
      1. 1.
        Ahhahahah i ve studied in england * what the fk are u talking about bro? Do u even know what "translate" means?

        Edit: i ve been studying french for over 1 year too if you wanna know *
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