
Bu altincide saçmalamak serbest !
  1. 1.
    geceler soguk, sensiz bir basima
    spermler dolmus tasaklarima
    hele gel kiz soyle yanima
    amlarin en guzeli olan japon ami

    ben bu yerde gibisemeyip olsemde
    ay yuzlu japon yarim yine elde
    sorarim kendime \"hani japon ami\" nerde?
    amlarin en guzeli olan japon ami

    your cunt makes me feel, it makes me real
    only your cunt, babe, has that appeal
    it makes my dick ease to anneal
    amlarin en guzeli olan japon ami

    other cunts are so vain
    only your cunt can stop my pain
    your cunt leaks water like the rain
    amlarin en guzeli olan japon ami

    i want to taste your cunt everyday
    your cunt is so sweet, that's what i say
    my beloved japanese babe, please never go away
    amlarin en guzeli olan japon ami

    your sweet cunt is always near
    i'm so lucky it always here
    when it's away i'm in tears
    amlarin en guzeli olan japon ami

    your delicious cunt is always in my dreams
    when i see its beauty, my brain screams
    your sweet cunt is like a tasty cream
    amlarin en guzeli olan japon ami

    your cunt is like a dreambot queen
    it's the best cunt i've ever seen
    fond emotions around my ween
    amlarin en guzeli olan japon ami
    1. 1.
      Yaman söz yazarıymışsın Peripellam 🧔🏻📿🌺
    2. 2.
      şaheser olmuş hocam tebrikler
    3. 3.
      eksiden almış pekekent
    4. diğerleri 1
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