1. 1.
    +4 -3
    özet: haxball'u yapan elemanla yazıştık işte.

    binler sizler için üşenmedin inci Milli Sporumuz HaxBall'u yaratan keraneciyle taa Arjantin'lerden canlı uydu bağlantısıyla mIRC da yazıştık. (mIRC bilmeyen huur çpcuğu liseliler yatsın uyusun küfür ettirmesin beni ezan vakti)
    Emek full üşenmeyen ve ingilizcesi olan binler okusun.

    ingilizce bilmeyen için tercüme: bastards=binler (kıyağımı unutmayın).

    <xcxvvvvxcv> are you there?
    <basro> maybe
    <xcxvvvvxcv> * nice
    <xcxvvvvxcv> are u 'the' Basro?
    <basro> what can I do for you?
    <basro> yes
    <xcxvvvvxcv> are you the developer of haxball?
    <xcxvvvvxcv> ok
    <xcxvvvvxcv> i just want to ask a few questions if you have time
    <basro> I can spare a few minutes ;)
    <xcxvvvvxcv> ok
    <xcxvvvvxcv> are you planning to made an downloadable version?
    <basro> nope
    <xcxvvvvxcv> why not?
    <basro> haxball can't run without the master server, which costs money
    <xcxvvvvxcv> is there any advantage to be online?
    <xcxvvvvxcv> hmmm
    <basro> the advantage is I can put ads next to it
    <xcxvvvvxcv> but you can also place them to other version too right?
    <xcxvvvvxcv> why i am askin:
    <xcxvvvvxcv> i have 2mbit net speed but get 500 pings
    <basro> all the time?
    <xcxvvvvxcv> you can manage to solve that with a downladable version i guess
    <xcxvvvvxcv> unfortunatly yes
    <basro> a downloadable version would not help with that
    <basro> there would be no difference in performance against it running on the browser
    <xcxvvvvxcv> with wdsl connection i dont have that much problem but with adsl yes
    <xcxvvvvxcv> but i played a morpg flying game
    <xcxvvvvxcv> i dont have problems with it who has 3d textures
    <basro> well, does haxball run slow?
    <basro> do you notice bad framerates when you are the host?
    <xcxvvvvxcv> it depends
    <basro> if not, then the problem is your connection, not the cpu or gpu load
    <xcxvvvvxcv> if i play for many hours it stucks after a while
    <xcxvvvvxcv> but usually when i am hosting i don't have problems
    <basro> I would check the packetloss if I were you
    <xcxvvvvxcv> how can i check that?
    <basro> hm
    <basro> windows?
    <xcxvvvvxcv> yes
    <xcxvvvvxcv> ping??
    <basro> yes
    <basro> hm
    <basro> there's a way to make ping run indefinitely
    <xcxvvvvxcv> ok i know that
    <basro> but I don't remember how
    <xcxvvvvxcv> with "-t"
    <basro> right
    <xcxvvvvxcv> but i dont have any lost with ping
    <basro> :
    <xcxvvvvxcv> but let me tell you the ping value
    <xcxvvvvxcv> which server is better ? haxball.com or haxball. appspot.com?
    <basro> they both point to the same server
    <xcxvvvvxcv> or those are same?
    <xcxvvvvxcv> ok
    <xcxvvvvxcv> i get 107ms
    <xcxvvvvxcv> more or less
    <basro> ping to haxball.com is unimportant
    <basro> when you join a room, the ping that matters is you to the room you just joined
    <xcxvvvvxcv> oww
    <xcxvvvvxcv> the link of the game you mean?
    <basro> haxball establishes a direct connection between you and the room host
    <basro> anyway, brb 10 min
    <xcxvvvvxcv> ok i will be here
    <basro> back
    <xcxvvvvxcv> wb
    <xcxvvvvxcv> so you are an Argentinian ? *
    <basro> yep
    <xcxvvvvxcv> i use Crespo nick at game *
    <basro> hehe
    <xcxvvvvxcv> anyway let me ask you a few questions pls
    <xcxvvvvxcv> there are two values on ping x/y
    <basro> yes
    <xcxvvvvxcv> what is the difference between them?
    <xcxvvvvxcv> down and up_?
    <basro> x = avg ping, y = max ping in the last 20 ping measurements
    <xcxvvvvxcv> i see
    <basro> if x and y are too different then you are probably having plenty of packet loss
    <xcxvvvvxcv> at work and we have two types of connection
    <xcxvvvvxcv> two seperate networks
    <xcxvvvvxcv> but sometimes in one network, we can't join our games if the host is not my pc
    <xcxvvvvxcv> during the 'Connecting to server' process it say the typical ask FAQ thing
    <basro> there's a lot of things that can affect that
    <xcxvvvvxcv> its interesting because if i host t he game the rest of my friends can join but we can't join the other hosts
    <basro> flash does some black magic in order for the direct connection between the host and the client to be established, but it's quite far from infalible
    <xcxvvvvxcv> so the working progress is like that: "hostuser-HAXSERVER-otherusers" or "host-otherusers" ?
    <basro> yep
    <basro> ah
    <basro> read wrong, sorry
    <xcxvvvvxcv> i mean the data transfer is between directly the host player and the others who koins?
    <basro> host-otherusers
    <basro> but not exactly, there's also a haxserver which helps establish that connection
    <basro> but after the connection is established it's all peer to peer
    <xcxvvvvxcv> so local haxball servers does not mean anything about pings ?
    <xcxvvvvxcv> they will not efffect i mean
    <basro> indeed
    <xcxvvvvxcv> you should proud yourself about this game my friend
    <xcxvvvvxcv> its really fantastic *
    <basro> ;D
    <basro> I am ;o
    <xcxvvvvxcv> hehe
    <basro> although I know I can do better
    <xcxvvvvxcv> is there anything that we can help to improve?
    <basro> don't know :P
    <basro> telling your friends about it helps ;P
    <xcxvvvvxcv> sure *
    <xcxvvvvxcv> do you keep the statisctics ?=
    <xcxvvvvxcv> country based for example
    <basro> I keep some
    <xcxvvvvxcv> what about Turkey *
    <basro> visitors per country
    <basro> turkey was #1 in number of visits not long ago
    <xcxvvvvxcv> lot's of people like this game
    <basro> let me check
    <basro> yep, turkey is #1 by far in the number of visits per day *
    <basro> 1,128,850 turkish visits in the last 30 days ;D
    <xcxvvvvxcv> my god *
    <xcxvvvvxcv> do you know inci sozluk?
    <xcxvvvvxcv> you dont i guess *
    <basro> I don't
    <xcxvvvvxcv> its some thing like 4chan in trukish
    <xcxvvvvxcv> you know 4chan right?
    <basro> yes
    <xcxvvvvxcv> )
    <xcxvvvvxcv> yes those bastards love the game and make it popular :D and i am one of the users :P
    <xcxvvvvxcv> thats how i met with haxball
    <basro> :D
    <xcxvvvvxcv> did you make any improvement last weeks? casue i was at vacation so i did not able to play that. but when i came back to cyprus i feel somethings change
    <basro> nope, I haven't made any changes in a while
    <xcxvvvvxcv> something makes the movements smoother i guess
    <xcxvvvvxcv> may be because of a flash update?
    <basro> it's possible
    <xcxvvvvxcv> ok Mario thank you for your time.
    <basro> no problem
    <basro> ;)
    <xcxvvvvxcv> i wish to publish this conversation at incisozluk if you don't mind.
    <basro> heh
    <basro> ok I guess
    <xcxvvvvxcv> do you have any messages to them?
    <basro> hi there!
    <basro> :P
    <xcxvvvvxcv> hehe ok then. have a nice day. thanx for HaxBall *
    <basro> nice day to you too *
    <xcxvvvvxcv> bye
    <basro> bye **bunu yazmadı aslında binler ama gücüme gitti çok diye ben ekledim :((( )

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