1. 1.
    bunu Allah rızası için biri söylesin
  2. 2.
    up up up
  3. 3.
    nası başlık açacağınızı temelli şaşırdınız amk
  4. 4.
    yanına < getirince kalp oluyo. vay amk.
  5. 5.
    3 en güzel sayıdır
  6. 6.
    3 züt demektir.
  7. 7.
    başlama rakami,
    genelde 1..2..3 ten sonra
    ya da başlama icin geri saymaya 3'ten baslanir..
  8. 8.
    üçtane '3' bir araya getirilip okunursa kadinlarda sexy bi dudak pozisyonu olusturur
  9. 9.
    three is the third heegner number.
    three is the second triangular number and it is the only prime triangular number. three is the only prime which is one less than a perfect square. any other number which is n2 − 1 for some integer n is not prime, since it is (n − 1)(n + 1). this is true for 3 as well, but in its case one of the factors is 1.
    three non-collinear points determine a plane and a circle.
    three is the fifth fibonacci number and the third that is unique. in the perrin sequence, however, 3 is both the zeroth and third perrin numbers.
    three is the fourth open meandric number.
    vulgar fractions with 3 in the denominator have a single digit repeating sequences in their decimal expansions, (.000... , .333... , .666... )
    a natural number is divisible by three if the sum of its digits in base 10 is divisible by 3. for example, the number 21 is divisible by three (3 times 7) and the sum of its digits is 2 + 1 = 3. because of this, the reverse of any number that is divisible by three (or indeed, any permutation of its digits) is also divisible by three. for instance, 1368 and its reverse 8631 are both divisible by three (and so are 1386, 3168, 3186, 3618, etc..). see also divisibility rule. this works in base 10 and in any positional numeral system whose base divided by three leaves a remainder of one (bases 4, 7, 10, etc.).
    a triangle is the only figure which, if all endpoints have hinges, will never change its shape unless the sides themselves are bent.
    3 is the smallest prime of a mersenne prime power tower 3, 7,127,170141183460469231731687303715884105727. it is not known whether any more of the terms are prime.
    three of the five regular polyhedra have triangular faces — the tetrahedron, the octahedron, and the icosahedron. also, three of the five regular polyhedra have vertices where three faces meet — the tetrahedron, the hexahedron (cube), and the dodecahedron. furthermore, only three different types of polygons comprise the faces of the five regular polyhedra — the triangle, the quadrilateral, and the pentagon.
    there are only three distinct 4×4 panmagic squares.
    only three tetrahedral numbers are also perfect squares.
    the first number, according to the pythagoreans, and the first male number.
    the first number, according to proclus, being the first number such that n2 is greater than 2n.
    the trisection of the angle was one of the three famous problems of antiquity.
    gauss proved that every integer is the sum of at most 3 triangular numbers.
    gauss proved that for any prime number p (with the sole exception of 3) the product of its primitive roots is ≡ 1 (mod p).
    any number not in the form of 4n(8m+7) is the sum of 3 squares.
    [edit]in numeral systems
    it is frequently noted by historians of numbers that early counting systems often relied on the three-patterned concept of "one- two- many" to describe counting limits. in other words, in their own language equivalent way, early peoples had a word to describe the quantities of one and two, but any quantity beyond this point was simply denoted as "many". as an extension to this insight, it can also be noted that early counting systems appear to have had limits at the numerals 2, 3, and 4. references to counting limits beyond these three indices do not appear to prevail as consistently in the historical record.
    [edit]list of basic calculations
    multiplication 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 50 100 1000
    3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 150 300 3000
    division 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    3 1.5 1 0.75 0.6 0.5 0.375 0.3 0.25 0.2
    1 2 3 4 5
    exponentiation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
    3 9 27 81 243 729 2187 6561 19683 59049 177147 531441 1594323
    1 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729 1000 1331 1728 2197
    [edit]evolution of the glyph

    three is often the largest number written with as many lines as the number represents. the romans tired of writing 4 as iiii, instead using iv, but to this day 3 is written as three lines in roman and chinese numerals. this was the way the brahmin indians wrote it, and the gupta made the three lines more curved. the nagari started rotating the lines clockwise and ending each line with a slight downward stroke on the right. eventually they made these strokes connect with the lines below, and evolved it to a character that looks very much like a modern 3 with an extra stroke at the bottom. it was the western ghubar arabs who finally eliminated the extra stroke and created our modern 3. (the "extra" stroke, however, was very important to the eastern arabs, and they made it much larger, while rotating the strokes above to lie along a horizontal axis, and to this day eastern arabs write a 3 that looks like a mirrored 7 with ridges on its top line): ٣[2]
    while the shape of the 3 character has an ascender in most modern typefaces, in typefaces with text figures the character usually has a descender, as, for example, in . in some french text-figure typefaces, though, it has an ascender instead of a descender.
    a common variant of the digit 3 has a flat top, similar to the character ʒ (ezh), sometimes used to prevent people from falsifying a 3 into an 8.
    [edit]in science

    a human ear has three semicircular canals.
    a human middle ear has three ossicles.
    most elbows consist of three bones, the only joint in the human body where three articulations are surrounded by one capsule.
    humans perceive white light as the mixture of the three additive primary hues: red, green, and blue.
    georges dumézil developed the trifunctional hypothesis which divides prehistoric indo-european society into three classes: priests, warriors, and commoners.
    there are three main galaxy morphological classifications: ellipticals. spirals. lenticulars. these classes are extended for finer distinctions of appearance and to encompass irregular galaxies.
    the roman numeral iii stands for giant star in the yerkes spectral classification scheme.
    earth is the third planet in its local solar system.
    [edit]biology (specific and general)
    genetic information is encoded in dna and rna using a triplet codon system.
    hemimetabolous insects undergo gradual metamorphosis through three distinct stages: the egg, nymph, and the adult stage, or imago. there is no pupal stage. (compare to holometabolism which has four stages and is less gradual).
    in paleontology, trilobites are named as such because their bodies are divided in three longitudinal lobes.
    three is the atomic number of lithium.
    atoms consist of three constituents: protons, neutrons, and electrons.
    the standard model of fundamental particles
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