1. 1.
    ilki benden

    çavuşu tokatlamak.
  2. 2.
    hasat toplamak
  3. 3.
    @6 güldürdün bin
  4. 4.
    kamaşullahı yağlamak.
  5. 5.
    kuru sıkı atmak
  6. 6.
    hal hatır sormak
  7. 7.
    kamıştan su çekmek
  8. 8.
    tavşana niyet çektirmek
  9. 9.
    klavyede tek elle yazı yazmak
  10. 10.
    kamıyonu devirmek
  11. 11.
    emme basma tulumba
  12. 12.
    mastırmayon yapmak kendini geliştirmek şimdide kendini yok etmek

    fight club
  13. 13.
    jerk off
  14. 14.
    ing. erkek mastürbasyonu "argo" terminolojisi :

    answer the bone-a-phone
    assault on a friendly weapon
    backstroke roulette
    baiting your hook
    batting practice
    bash the candle
    beat off
    beating the bait
    beating the bishop
    beating the dummy
    beating the snake
    beating the stick (please no more "beat")
    beating your meat
    being your own best friend
    bleed the weed
    blow your load
    bludgeon the beefsteak
    boppin' your bologna
    box the jesuit (16th-17th century!)
    buckin' it
    buffing the banana
    buffing the wood
    burping the worm
    butter your corn
    calling down for more mayo
    calling all cum
    carrying weight
    cast off
    changing your oil
    charm the cobra
    choaking charlie 'till he throws up
    choke the serriff and wait for the posse to come
    choke kojak
    choke your chicken
    civil war
    cleaning out your rope
    clean the pipes
    clean your rifle
    clubbing eddy
    couch hockey for one
    cracking the fat
    crank the shank
    cranking for cum
    crank your cordiano (for joe - the man with forearms like popeye)
    crown the king
    cuff the carrot
    cuffing the puppy
    cum the scum
    custer's last stand
    date miss michigan
    date mother palm and her five daughters
    devil's handshake (catholic school)
    dishonorable discharge
    doddle whacking
    doodle your noodle
    do the dew
    drain the dragon
    drain the monster
    drain the vein
    dropping a line
    dropping stomach pancakes
    firm your worm
    fist fuck
    fist your mister
    five against one
    five finger knuckle shuffle
    five knuckle olympics
    flogging your dong
    flogging your log
    flute solo
    flying a kite
    fondle the fig
    freeing the willies
    frigging the love muscle (british)
    gallop the antelope
    gallop the maggot
    getting in touch with your manhood
    getting in touch with yourself
    getting to know yourself personally in the "biblical sense"
    getting your caps peeled
    giving it a tug
    giving the john hancock
    grease the pipe
    greasing your bone
    hack the hog
    ham shank
    hand job
    hands on training
    hand to gland combat
    hand work
    having a roy (australian)
    have it off
    have one off the wrist
    hitchhike under the big top
    hitching to heaven
    hit the ham
    holding all the cards
    holding your sausage hostage
    hone your bone
    hump your fist
    hump your hose
    humpin' air
    ironing some wrinkles
    jack hammer
    jack off
    jackin' the beanstalk
    jag off
    j arthur rank (british rhyming slang - wank)
    jazz yourself
    jelly roll
    jenny macarthy jaunt
    jerk off
    jerk the gherkin
    jerk the johnson
    jiggle the jewelry
    jimmying your joey
    killing the beast
    knock the top off
    knuckle shuffle on your piss pump
    launching the hand shuttle
    leakin' the main drain
    loping your mule
    making the bald guy puke
    making nut butter
    making yogurt
    mangle the midget
    manipulate the mango
    manual override
    masonic secret self handshake
    massage your muscle
    massage your purple-headed warrior
    measuring for condoms
    meeting with palmala handerson
    milking the bull
    milking the lizard
    milking the monkey
    moulding hot plastic
    nerk your throbber
    oil the glove
    oiling the pogo stick
    one handed clapping
    one man show
    one man tug-o-war
    pack your palm
    paddle the pickle
    paint the pickle
    pain the walls
    pam anderson polka
    pat the robertson
    peel some chilis
    peel the banana
    peel the carrot
    petting your dog
    playing with dick
    playing with susi palmer and her five friends
    playing with your noodle
    play pocket pool
    play the organ
    play the pisser
    play the piss pipe
    play the skin flute
    play the stand-up organ
    playing with the snake
    playing your instrument
    play with yourself
    plunk your twanger
    pocket pinball
    pocket pool
    polish the chrome dome
    polish the rocket
    polish the sword
    polish your bayonet
    polish your helmet
    polish your piece (please - no more polish euphamisms)
    popping the porpoise
    popping the purple pimple
    pound off
    pound your flounder
    pound your piss pump
    pounding your pud
    pud wrestling
    pull the root
    pulling the wire
    pulling your goalie
    pull off
    pulling the piss pump
    pull the pole
    pull the pope
    pull your pud
    pull your taffy
    pumping for pleasure
    pumping for power
    pump the python
    punchin' the clown
    punchin' the munchkin
    punishing percy
    punishing the bishop
    ram the ham
    ride the great white knuckler
    rolling the fleshy blunt
    roman helmet rhumba
    ropin' the long horn
    rope the pony
    roughing up the suspect
    rounding up the tadpoles
    routin' for the yankees
    rub one out
    rub the unicorn's horn
    runka (swedish)
    scraping your carrot
    scratching the itch
    seasonin' your meat
    see mrs. palmer & five daughters
    self love
    sending out the troops
    shaking hands with abe lincoln (please - no more "shaking hands")
    shaking hands with the governor
    shaking hands with shorty
    shaking hands with the unemployed
    shake the snake
    shifting gears
    shine your pole
    shining the helmet
    shooting enemies
    shooting putty at the moon
    shooting sherman
    shucking bubba
    slam the hammer
    slammin' the salami
    slappin' pappy
    slapping the clown
    slap boxing the one-eyed champ
    slap my happy sacks
    slap the salami
    slapping the cyclops (please - no more "slapping")
    slapping your chub
    slinging jelly
    sloppy joe's last stand
    sloppy sign language
    stroke the stallion
    smacking your sister
    snap the monkey
    snap the whip
    snapping your carrot
    spank the frank
    spank your monkey
    spear chucking
    spreading the mayo
    spunk the monk
    squeeze the cream from the flesh twinkie
    squeeze the lemon
    squeezing the tube of tooth paste
    squeezing the burrito
    staff meeting
    stall clapping
    stir the soup
    stroke off
    stroking it
    stroking your goat
    stroke your poker
    taking a shake break
    tame the wild hog
    tap the turkey
    tease the python
    tease the weasle
    tenderize the meat
    the erky jerk
    the sticky page rhumba
    threading a needle
    throw off a batch
    throwin' down
    thump the pump
    tickle the elmo
    tickle the pickle
    toss off
    toss the boss
    toss the turkey
    tugging your tapioka tube
    tugging your toobsteak/toobsnake
    tug of war with cyclops
    tuning the antenna
    turning japanese (uk - one step beyond wanking)
    tussle with your muscle
    unwapping the pepperoni
    varnishing the cane
    walk the dog
    walking willie the one eyed wonder worm
    wank (british)
    waxing the dolphin
    wax your jackson
    wax your weasel
    wax your willy
    whack off
    whack your tack
    whip the dummy
    whip your dripper
    whipping the one-eyed wonder weasle
    whipping the pony
    whipping the window washer
    white water wristing
    whizzin' jizzim
    wiggling your worm
    winding the jack in the box
    wonk your conker
    working a cramp out of your muscle
    working your willy
    wrestling the eel
    wring out your rope
    wring your thing
    yank my doodle (it's a dandy)
    yank off
    yank the yodle (submitter says it's a black guy thing - will somebody please explain this one to me)
    yank your crank
    Tümünü Göster
  15. 15.
    yunusu gıdıklamak
  16. 16.
    @74 bizim yurtta banyoya girerken sanki gerdeğe girercesine sırtına hunharca vururlar.
  17. 17.
  18. 18.
    bamya ayıklamak
  19. 19.
    beyaz işine girmek