1. 33.
    Türkçe hocanı gibiyim.
  2. 32.
    amk liseli
  3. 31.
    cevap geliyo qamber pampa:

    There are a lot of "programs" in your SC. This means that you may have to do some reprograming, instead of just adding a new program.
    An example: You have heard the statment "If you fall from something high in your dream, you will die if you hit the ground before you wake up." lots and lots of times, or if you heard it as the reason why someone importatnt in your life died, then it could keep you from flying in a LD, or from getting lucid in a ND.
    This is because your SC is like a really big computer that not only runs the different programs, it also checks them out in relation to other programs. So it might say, "OK. here is a program to become aware of dreaming in 6 hours, however I have a program here that says if I hit the ground while falling in a dream I will die, and here I have a program that says when I am lucid in a dream, I want to fly, so if I become lucid and fly in my dream, I might fall and die so I will not run the program to become lucid".
    This is the third problem with programing your SC to do something. It is what Darxide means when he says "As long as you understand that if you believe the suggestion 100%, you will have 100% chances of having a lucid dream, then why not believe it 100%? It's might seem like a difficult concept to grasp, but I'm trying my hardest to explain it. " If there are other programs in your SC that hold you back, then you are not 100% sure, and your SC can pull the program you set up.
    The point is that you may need to do some reprograming as I said before, that means reading up on LD's and working to convince yourself that they are not only something you want, but also don't have any negative effects. You can also use autosuggestion statments like "lucid dreaming will improve my life" or "being lucid will only make my dreams better".
    Rember also that some of the programs that are getting in the way maybe deep in your SC so it may take a while before you get them changed, but if you keep working at it, you will succeed.
  4. 30.
    panpa ho$qeLdin

    okumadım direk şukuladım qamber reyizi görünce ccc okuyamıyoruz reyiz ccc
  5. 29.
    @1 shenin amhına qorum. adam gibi konuş önce
  6. 28.
    qamberi gördüm okumadan bastım şukuyu
  7. 27.
    korkuyorum lan.
  8. 26.
    @1 ağzındakini çıkar öle konuş
  9. 25.
    i love u qamber <3
  10. 24.
    pampa kardiş, canım benim, bu öyle bi cevapki aslında soru cevabın içinde
  11. 23.
  12. 22.
  13. 21.
    @10 karşıma @8 e
    @1 tam bir metin2 terk
    @6 adam züte
  14. 20.
    amk binleri 94lüler sizi gidin osbirinizi kuytu köşede çekin amk bu ne lan "q" falan türkçene sahip çık muallaknin evladı
    anana qidip bunları iyi bi şekilde söylicem emin ol
  15. 19.
    nerdesin kocacım
  16. 18.
    @1 http://inciswf.com/1281333272.swf
  17. 17.
    bu huur çocugu tünedi bu aralarda.amk. emo olduk karıları falan zütürdüm sonra midem bulandı.bu huur çocukları kendini kandırırkıen biz çatur çatur gibişioz. bunların amk. neyse bu adamı engelliyorum bi daha başlık falan görmücem bu binin
  18. 16.
    abicim sanırım emosun sen yazış stilini gibkiimm o yüzden gözünün içine tam bakamıon o saçı kaldır öle bak
  19. 15.
    way amk 94 lülerle aynı sözlükteyiz ... Senin tedavinde kendini deliye gibtircen.
  20. 14.
    yazısı düzelmiş lan bunun