1. 1.
    +2 -3
    apples, and 56Turmeric: Found in curry, turmeric contains a chemical that has been shown to decrease the plaques in the brain thought to be responsible for Alzheimer’s disease.1
    Saffron: In three studies, a saffron extract was found to be as effective as antidepressant medication in treating people with major depression.2
    Sage: Sage has very good scientific evidence that it helps boost memory.3
    Cinnamon: Cinnamon has been shown to help attention and it helps regulate blood sugar, which decreases cravings. Plus, cinnamon is a natural aphrodisiac for men “” not that most men need much help.4
    Basil: This potent antioxidant improves blood flow to the heart and brain and has anti-inflammatory properties that offer protection from Alzheimer’s disease.5
    Thyme: Supplementing the diet with thyme has been shown to increase the amount of DHA “” an essential fatty acid “” in the brain.6
    Oregano: Dried oregano has 30 times the brain-healing antioxidant power of raw blueberries, 46 times more than apples, and 56 times as much as strawberries, making it one of the most powerful brain cell protectors on the planet.7 Click to read about more foods that pack an antioxidant punch.
    Garlic: Garlic promotes better blood flow to the brain and killed brain cancer cells in a 2007 study.8
    Ginger: Can ginger make you smarter? A study that combined ginger with ginkgo biloba suggests that it does. Ginger root extract may also be helpful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and migraine headaches.9
    Rosemary: A 2006 study reported that rosemary diminishes cognitive decline in people with dementia.10
    Sage: Sage has very good scientific evidence that it helps boost memory.3
    Cinnamon: Cinnamon has been shown to help attention and it helps regulate blood sugar, which decreases cravings. Plus, cinnamon is a natural aphrodisiac for men “” not that most men need much help.4
    Basil: This potent antioxidant improves blood flow to the heart and brain and has anti-inflammatory properties that offer protecti
    Garlic: Garlic promotes better blood flow to the brain and killed brain cancer cells in a 2007 study.8
    Ginger: Can ginger make you smarter? A study that combined ginger with ginkgo biloba suggests that it does. Ginger root extract may also be helpful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and migraine headaches.9
    Rosemary: A 2006 study reported that rosemary diminishes cognitive decline in people with dementia.10
    REFERENCESTurmeric: Found in curry, turmeric contains a chemical that has been shown to decrease the plaques in the brain thought to be resplanet.7 Click to read about more foods that pack an antioxidant punch.
    Garlic: Garlic promotes better blood flow to the brain and killed brain cancer cells in a 2007 study.8
    Ginger: Can ginger make you smarter? A study that combined ginger with ginkgo biloba suggests that it does. Ginger root extract may also be helpful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and migraine headaches.9
    Rosemary: A 2006 study reported that rosemary diminishes cognitive decline in people with dementia.10
    REFERENCESTurmeric: Found in curry, turmeric contains a chemical that has been shown to decrease the plaques in the brain thought to be responsible for Alzheimer’s disease.1
    Saffron: In three studies, a saffron extract was found to be as effective as antidepressant medication in treating people with major depression.2
    Sage: Sage has very good scientific evidence that it helps boost memory.3
    Cinnamon: Cinnamon has been shown to help attention and it helps regulate blood sugar, which decreases cravings. Plus, cinnamon is a natural aphrodisiac for men “” not that most men need much help.4
    Basil: This potent antioxidant improves blood flow to the heart and brain and has anti-inflammatory properties that offer protection from Alzheimer’s disease.5
    Thyme: Supplementing the diet with thyme has been shown to increase the amount of DHA “” an essential fatty acid “” in the brain.6
    Oregano: Dried oregano has 30 times the brain-healing antioxidant power of raw blueberries, 46 times more than apples, and 56 times as much as strawberries, making it one of the most powerful brain cell protectors on the planet.7 Click to read about more foods that pack an antioxidant punch.
    Garlic: Garlic promotes better blood flow to the brain and killed brain cancer cells in a 2007 study.8
    Ginger: Can ginger make you smarter? A study that combined ginger with ginkgo biloba suggests that it does. Ginger root extract may also be helpful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and migraine headaches.9
    Rosemary: A 2006 study reported that rosemary diminishes cognitive decline in people with dementia.10
    REFERENCESTurmeric: Found in curry, turmeric contains a chemical that has been shown to decrease the plaques in the brain thought to be responsible for Alzheimer’s disease.1
    Saffron: In three studies, a saffron extract was found to be as effective as antidepressant medication in treating people with major depression.2
    Sage: Sage has very good scientific evidence that it helps boost memory.3
    Cinnamon: Cinnamon has been shown to help attention and it helps regulate blood sugar, which decreases cravings. Plus, cinnamon is a natural aphrodisiac for men “” not that most men need much help.4
    Basil: This potent antioxidant improves blood flow to the heart and brain and has anti-inflammatory properties that offer protection from Alzheimer’s disease.5
    Thyme: Supplementing the diet with thyme has been shown to increase the amount of DHA “” an essential fatty acid “” in the brain.6
    Oregano: Dried oregano has 30 times the brain-healing antioxidant power of raw blueberries, 46 times more than apples, and 56 times as much as strawberries, making it one of the most powerful brain cell protectors on the planet.7 Click to read about more foods that pack an antioxidant punch.
    Garlic: Garlic promotes better blood flow to the brain and killed brain cancer cells in a 2007 study.8
    Ginger: Can ginger make you smarter? A study that combined ginger with ginkgo biloba suggests that it does. Ginger root extract may also be helpful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and migraine headaches.9
    Rosemary: A 2006 study reported that rosemary diminishes cognitive decline in people with dementia.10
    REFERENCESTurmeric: Found in curry, turmeric contains a chemical that has been shown to decrease the plaques in the brain thought to be responsible for Alzheimer’s disease.1
    Saffron: In three studies, a saffron extract was found to be as effective as antidepressant medication in treating people with major depression.2
    Sage: Sage has very good scientific evidence that it helps boost memory.3
    Cinnamon: Cinnamon has been shown to help attention and it helps regulate blood sugar, which decreases cravings. Plus, cinnamon is a natural aphrodisiac for men “” not that most men need much help.4
    Basil: This potent antioxidant improves blood flow to the heart and brain and has anti-inflammatory properties that offer protection from Alzheimer’s disease.5
    Thyme: Supplementing the diet with thyme has been shown to increase the amount of DHA “” an essential fatty acid “” in the brain.6
    Oregano: Dried oregano has 30 times the brain-healing antioxidant power of raw blueberries, 46 times more than apples, and 56 times as much as strawberries, making it one of the most powerful brain cell protectors on the planet.7 Click to read about more foods that pack an antioxidant punch.
    Garlic: Garlic promotes better blood flow to the brain and killed brain cancer cells in a 2007 study.8
    Ginger: Can ginger make you smarter? A study that combined ginger with ginkgo biloba suggests that it does. Ginger root extract may also be helpful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and migraine headaches.9
    Rosemary: A 2006 study reported that rosemary diminishes cognitive decline in people with dementia.10
    REFERENCESTurmeric: Found in curry, turmeric contains a chemical that has been shown to decrease the plaques in the brain thought to be responsible for Alzheimer’s disease.1
    Saffron: In three studies, a saffron extract was found to be as effective as antidepressant medication in treating people with major depression.2
    Sage: Sage has very good scientific evidence that it helps boost memory.3
    Cinnamon: Cinnamon has been shown to help attention and it helps regulate blood sugar, which decreases cravings. Plus, cinnamon is a natural aphrodisiac for men “” not that most men need much help.4
    Basil: This potent antioxidant improves blood flow to the heart and brain and has anti-inflammatory properties that offer protection from Alzheimer’s disease.5
    Thyme: Supplementing the diet with thyme has been shown to increase the amount of DHA “” an essential fatty acid “” in the brain.6
    Oregano: Dried oregano has 30 times the brain-healing antioxidant power of raw blueberries, 46 times more than apples, and 56 times as much as strawberries, making it one of the most powerful brain cell protectors on the planet.7 Click to read about more foods that pack an antioxidant punch.
    Garlic: Garlic promotes better blood flow to the brain and killed brain cancer cells in a 2007 study.8
    Ginger: Can ginger make you smarter? A study that combined ginger with ginkgo biloba suggests that it does. Ginger root extract may also be helpful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and migraine headaches.9
    Rosemary: A 2006 study reported that rosemary diminishes cognitive decline in people with dementia.10
    Tümünü Göster
  2. 2.
    Ön neyine yetmiyor muallaknin evladı
  3. 3.
    +1 -1
    Evet panpalar burda hikayem bitti. Aslında bitmedi ama devamı bayağı uzun ve dram dolu o yüzden devdıbını anlatmıyorum. Lütfen şukuları ve nick6 nı edirgemeyin panpalar
  4. 4.
    toplanın anlatıcam hadi


    Lise 3'e gidiyoruz işte o zaman. ciks hayatımız da sağ elimizden başka sevgili tanımaz işte.Bi kaç sevgilim olmuş da hepsi işte "sorun sende değil bende :S" diyerek ayrılan huurlar işte. Artık Lise 3 milli olmak lazım amk. Benim bir can yoldaşım var Ahmet diye. Bunun da zütürmediği kız yok amk.

    Edit:Bikaç arkadaş gizemi anlat, merveyi anlat dediler. Eğer ısrar eden olursa onların hikayelerini de başka zaman anlatırım.Ama şu an nerdeyse 3-4 isteyen var. Yeterli şuku ve nick6ından sonra onlarınkini de anlatırım.
  5. 5.
  6. 6.
    bosaldim beyler.
  7. 7.
    Okulda çağla diye bi kız var üstünden geçenin haddi hesabı yok. Kızı anlatayım biraz 1.60 boyunca en fazla 55 kilo olan,bal rengi saçları, kahverengi gözleri var. Gideri var yani, okulun en ciksi kızı açık ara. Neyse bigün ben bu ahmete dedim ki ulan bana da karı bul hepsini sen yiyosun amk.O da bi sırıttı falan huur çocuğu, dedi işte git merveyle konuş dedi.(merve çağlanın en yakın arkadaşı, kevaşe ama çağla kadar iyi değil tabi)
  8. 8.
    Çok amatör hayal dünyan var lan, kızla öpüşürken boşalcam diyorsun ne hikmetse ondan sonra 8 saat gibiyorsun karıyı boşalmadan
  9. 9.
    Bunu duyunca hızlıca ağzına aldı ama hepsini alamamıştı. Kesinlikle dişlerini değdirmeden dilini de kullanarak sanki lolipop emermiş gibi hızlı hızlı yalamaya başladı. Arada bir nefesini de veriyordu. Durdu sonra hepsini ağzına almaya çalıştı.En sonunda hepsini alınca yavaş yavaş emmeye başladı. Daha hızlı diye bağırdım artık. Gücüm kalmamıştı. Hızlı hızlı gelip gidiyordu. Dili inanılmaz sıcaktı yoksa bana mı öyle geldi bilmiyorum. Artık daha da hızlanamaz derken birden inanılmaz derecede hızlandı. Artık çığlık atmaya başlamıştım.Tam boşalmak üzereydim ki kendini geri çekti kevaşe. Dedi hemen şimdi böyle bitmesin
  10. 10.
    kesmeden anlat demedik mi bin
  11. 11.
    Pantalonumu da çıkarıp attı bi köşeye. Artık ölmek üzereydim. Boxerı da fırlattı. Dilini değidirdiği an boşalırsam ne kadar iğrenç bişey olacağının farkındaydım. Sanki gerildiğimi o da farketmiş gibi sakin ol dedi rahatla.ama öyle rahatla deyince rahatlayamıyosun işte. Diliyle keskin bir darbe attı. Artık bayılacak gibiydi. Bacaklarımın arası inanılmaz ısınmıştı. Diliyle hafifçe ucuna değdirdi bu sefer. Hadi artık diye bağırdım. Yoksa her an boşalabilirdim
  12. 12.
    Tişörtümü yavaşça çıkardı ve beni kanapeye doğru itti. Sanki her şeyi kendi yapmak istiyordu. Boynuma öpücükler kondururken bir yandan da nefesini veriyordu. Göğsümde biraz oyalandı. Artık boşalmak üzereydim. Hafifçe derimi ısırıyor beni iyice çileden çıkarıyordu
  13. 13.
  14. 14.
    Neyse film de romantik film bu arada. Neyse işte filmde kızla erkek gibişmeye başladılar ama nasıl bildiğin ferre. Benim dalga direk kalktı zaten.Çağla tahrik oluyo muydu emin değildim ama artık giberim böyle belayı dedim ve elimi yüzünde hafifçe gezdirmeye başladım. Kevaşenin zaten belli oluyodu tecrübeli olduğu dönüp dudaklarıma yapıştı. Daha önceki öpüşmelerimize hiç benzemiyodu bu seferki. Ağzımı kocaman açmıştı dili ağzımın içimde gezerken altımda bir sıcaklık hissettim. Eğer boşalırsam çok kötü olacaktı.
  15. 15.
    malum olayı kesmeden anlat giberun
  16. 16.
    Neyse eve gittik. Murat da az huur değildir. Babası zengin pic olduğundan viski ekgib olmazdı onun evde. Açtık bi film ama hiç bakmıyorum bile. Oldum olası nefret ettim şu film seyretmekten. Neyse Çağlanın da saçı hafif incintı o gün. Viskiyi bardağa koyuyodum ki mal gibi bardağı düşürdüm. Bişey olmaz dedi sırıtarak ve öne eğilerek aldı bardağı. Memeleri gözüküyodu tişörtten. inanılmaz tahrik olmuştum. Dedim bugün bu iş bitecek
  17. 17.
    gibmişim çağlayı gizemi anlat lan
  18. 18.
    hadi lan devam
  19. 19.
    devam panpa
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