1. 1.
    herkez bildiği kadar konuşsun ingilizcemiz gelişir hem
  1. 2.
    i run each thin me.
  2. 3.
    @2 gül gül öl bit sıç yerlerdeyiz ahaha
  3. 4.
    im erdogan's ass hair

    white party white party hülölöööööğ
  4. 5.
    your mom zaaaa
  5. 6.
    ingilizcem iyidirlan ne diyeceğimi bilemedim şimdi

    if you have pussy ı can do speak english
  6. 7.
    yes true false
  7. 8.
    hi my name is serkan ım 13 years old ı like sex.
  8. 9.
    schools is finish high schoolers comingss :( :( :(
  9. 10.
    my gf taller than me :( but it's sexy whoeeeeeeew
  10. 11.
    what can i do sometimes
  11. 12.
  12. 13.
    so ure busy .s.s
  13. 14.
    In fact, the reports littering the ODS site seem to converge upon the same point: There is some good news for supplements, but it's extremely limited.The 2006 NIH panel, for instance, concluded that postmenopausal women should probably take calcium and vitamin D to safeguard their bones; that pregnant women should keep taking folate; and that adults with age-related macular degeneration, an eye disease, should take a combination of antioxidants and zinc. But beyond that, the panel's strongest recommendation was that scientists conduct further research on the risks and benefits of vitamins.For every study that turns up disconcerting vitamin side effects, there seem to be two more that conclude that we simply don't know enough yet about supplements to make evidence-based recommendations.
    Until we do, we should stop treating supplements like health candy and more like prescription meds, to be used only when there's a demonstrated need. Doctors should create individualized regimes, tailored to a particular patient's deficiencies. As for the rest of us, we can put the pills back on the shelf and save our cash for one of those martinis.
    this is not a copy paste text.
  14. 15.
    don't open, grandfathers
  15. 16.
    go arcanine use flame thrower!