1. 26.
    dersanede bir coğrafya dersidir. şaklabanlık yapıp sınıfı gülme çabasında olan sefil öğrenci milletinden biri hocaya sorar:"hocam şimdi bu tuz gölü çok tuzlu ya yoğurt eklesek ayran olur mu?" hoca anında yapıştırır: "hatta seni eklersek cacık bile olur".
  2. 27.
  3. 28.
  4. 29.
    !Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!!Şark Islahat!
  5. 30.
    türk komandoları kuzey irak'a girdi
  6. 31.
    http://inci.sozlukspot.com/ss_index.php?sa=cikis valla bu çıktı :(
  7. 32.
    güldüm lan zırto ama şuku yok
  8. 33.
  9. 34.
    am züt meme

    yemin ederim bu vardı
  10. 35.
    lyrics to speed of light:
    touch me
    i am losing shape
    look i am invisible
    can you say my name

    if there's a perfect sky that we came from
    we'll be like stars forever shining on

    catch me
    i am almost there
    how can i be near
    i am highspeed
    i am everywhere

    i couldn't catch your smile
    you are blinded by another side
    i couldn't say goodbye
    you are traveling at the speed of light

    lyrics http://www.allthelyrics.com/lyrics/alphawezen/
    you and me
    we never cross the boundary
    that's how i know you
    i can hear you say

    you and me
    we never unweil mysteries
    once you are shining
    we never tried again

    you and me
    we never cross the boundary
    that's how i know you
    i can hear you say

    you and me
    always traveling separately
    when i try to reach you
    you are miles away

    you and me
    we never unweil mysteries

    touch me
    i am losing shape
    look i am invisible
    can you say my name

    if there's a perfect sky that we came from
    we'll be like stars forever shining on

    catch me
    i am almost there
    how can i be near
    i am highspeed
    i am everywhere

    you couldn't read my mind
    how i wanted you to hold me tight
    i couldn't save that night
    i was passing by at the speed of light

    you and me
    we never cross the boundary
    that's how i know you
    i can hear you say

    you and me
    we never unweil mysteries
    once you are shining
    we never tried again

    we are flesh and we are free
    wa are drift wood in the sea
    from the distance we are stars
    like there is a face on mars

    wa are lost and we are one
    we are neighbours to the sun
    slowly drifting out of sight
    traveling at the speed of light
  11. 36.
  12. 37.
    politikacıları öldürün yeter, halklar birbirleriyle anlaşır."

    bernard shaw
  13. 38.
    vişne nektarının brix oranının min. %12.6 olması gerektiği yapılan araştırmalarda görülmüştür. bizim analizimizdeki kuru madde yüzdesi 14.74 çıktı ve analiz sonucuna göre analit maddemizin standartlara uygun olduğu gözlenmiştir
  14. 39.
  15. 40.
    (bkz: hatun dediğin böyle olur arkadaş)
  16. 41.
  17. 42.
    'Lolan Güzeli'
  18. 43.
    abi ben bakamıyorum öyle şeylere.. : /
  19. 44.
    how i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your motherhow i met your mother
  20. 45.
    chuck berry