1. 1.
    şöyle bir parselleyim şurayı
  1. 2.
    nick6ı diye tutturdu al girdik bin sus artık
  2. 3.
    yardimseverdir kendisi.
  3. 4.
    iyi birine benziyo
  4. 5.
    iyidir panpam severim
  5. 6.
    beni seviyomuş :/ sanırım vercek
  6. 7.
    Çok iyi yazardır. En sevdiğim panpamdır
  7. 8.
    (bkz: #76364253) güzel tespit şuku müdür.
  8. 9.
    çooooooook iyi bi yazardır allah razı olsun bütün günahlarını bağışlasın
  9. 10.
    internetin japoncası
  10. 11.
    Anasi gibik huur çocuğu nik6 diye yalvaran haysiyetsiz kahpe evladı
  11. 12.
    Ethernet /ˈiːθərnɛt/ is a family of computer networking technologies for local area (LAN) and larger networks. It was commercially introduced in 1980 while it was first standardized in 1983 as IEEE 802.3,[1] and has since been refined to support higher bit rates and longer link distances. Over time, Ethernet has largely replaced competing wired LAN technologies such as token ring, FDDI, and ARCNET. The primary alternative for contemporary LANs is not a wired standard, but instead a variety of IEEE 802.11 standards for wireless connection, also known as Wi-Fi.

    The Ethernet standards comprise several wiring and signaling variants of the OSI physical layer in use with Ethernet. The original 10BASE5 Ethernet used coaxial cable as a shared medium. Later the coaxial cables were replaced with twisted pair and fiber optic links in conjunction with hubs or switches. Data rates were periodically increased from the original 10 megabits per second to 100 gigabits per second.

    Systems communicating over Ethernet divide a stream of data into shorter pieces called frames. Each frame contains source and destination addresses and error-checking data so that damaged data can be detected and re-transmitted. As per the OSI model, Ethernet provides services up to and including the data link layer.

    Since its commercial release, Ethernet has retained a good degree of compatibility. Features such as the 48-bit MAC address and Ethernet frame format have influenced other networking protocols.
  12. 13.
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