1. 1.
    +8 -2
    alın beyler kadın türk erkeklerine uyuz oluyormuş huur.
  2. 2.
    bin olum cevaba baksana o kadar yazdık amskym.

    ayrıca chrome dedelere karşı bir çözüm amk
  3. 3.
    @6 karı bunu dedi lan. ne diycem şimdi aq

    well if ur men where not so rude & expected such stuff from women...
    u all wouldn't be hated so much,...
    not rhetorical fact i hate...
    i just disapprove how 80% of turkish men are so nasty to u...
    talk crap n filth to u..
    expect u to sex cam,sex chat & phone sex..
    they don't go out the way to get to know a person just disrespect them & expect women to do such sick sexual acts is what i disapprove of...