/i/Sözlük İçi

sözlük içi.
  1. 76.
    Yarrama bak ele türkçe konuş türkçe
  2. 77.
    I'm here and my dick is here! Are you okey?
  3. 78.
  4. 79.
    Hey guys , i've learned english mostly from games i can write well and explain what i exactly think but when it comes to talk i really get some trouble (example voice chat in csgo) it would be good if we can use discord skype etc.
  5. 80.
    I can do this
  6. 81.
    i can talk with you maybe we should try voice chat
  7. 82.
    Incı uber alles ın der welt
  8. 83.
    домашний адрес и номер летом
  9. 84.
    Actually, ı wanna talk but ı am with your mom right now XD
  10. 85.
    I want to every People fucked with me
  11. 86.
    Wha do u wanna learn fatass mothefucka
  12. 87.
    My dick dimdik
  13. 88.
    I tried to suck miy dick
    1. 1.
      U have to try harder
    2. 2.
      I try this every day
  14. 89.
    Amfanfına amfaktığım
  15. 90.
    +2 -5
    Fak yur madır
  16. 91.
    +2 -5
    Every night my finger on youre ass... Oldumu
  17. 92.
    I am not use third part of the most important thing is that and the other day and night and day and night in a few weeks and allowed me to the ocak at 4 o'clock the same time as the one I'm not sure you have a look and feel of the most important thing is that and the other day and night and day and night and the surrounding countryside and a half years and over and I will not only the first one is in my opinion on a map of London is a apple store that has a
    1. 1.
      Ocak ne amk
  18. 93.
    Allah yok din yalan
  19. 94.
    +8 -120

    EDiT:Amk 50 Çuğu Nedir aq

    EDiT2:Çuğuliyenler Gevurca Bilmiyenler Amk Barzoları

    EDiT3:Hedef 2023 Çuğu
    1. 1.
      +5 -1
      Negadaağ gomik eğeğeğ
    2. 2.
      +2 -1
      verdim eksiyi buram buram cehalet