
filozofiya'ya inananların kafalarını açtıkları uhrevi altincidir.
    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
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    it's important to be good in this world.
    being bad is not a fucking good thing, even though what these loser populists might seem to think so.
    it's not cool to be bad. humans need to be good to survive.
    group culture is underrated.
    we need each other's help.
    humanity would not have grown if humans didn't help each other.
    Hollywood is promoting individualism but, let's be real.
    if we were on our own in the wild, we would not survive.
    we need each other's help.
    recently, I broke up with my girlfriend.
    I'm so sad that this happened.
    I want to get back with her but she doesn't want it.
    Even though I'm the one who left her, I'm still sad.
    But ending a good thing, is not good.
    And I know that I'm wrong to having ended it.
    But, I still recognized that I was wrong and approached her.
    I think love is an act that begs forgiveness no matter the cost.
    The is no pride in love, and we shouldn't hurt each other.
    We should approach one another with purest intentions.
    We need positive things in life.
    We don't even know the meaning of life.
    Yet we are so bold to overreact like we are careless.
    A good person that is gone is irreplaceable.
    So, please do not betray your partners.
    Do not turn your back on them if they really repent and want to come back to you.
    Opening your heart so someone is so holy, so clean.
    To me, it is sacred, and the key to life.
    Maybe we don't need to know why.
    Maybe it is the journey that is key.
    But even in peril, I still think that being good is the best thing that you can be.
    Approach each other with pure intentions.
    It's a good world.
    The world turns because of good people.
    Compassion, combined with courage will yield good results.
    Things might get scary but a man in this age doesn't need physical strength as much as you think.
    All you need is a stout heart, and goodwill.
    my note to myself would be not to think of the consequences.
    we only have one life, and that is too short for regrets.
    I'm not sorry.
    I will not give up.
    We have the right to go after the one we love.
    It was never about the money.
    Stop paying attention to social media or Hollywood.
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    Ananı zütten gibeyim sığ huur çocuğu. Toplumsal değer yargıları üzerine yazılmış en sığ en taktan yazı