1. 1.
  2. 2.
    yo mama zaaa xd
  3. 3.
    as a resuld anan z@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ xd xd
  4. 4.
    if you're bored why are you still sitting in front of your computer? go outside it's the best thing you can do at 3:30am.. take few cigarettes go to a marketplace and buy few beers. not to get drunk of course, just enough to make you feel buzzed. and than think about it. think about what you did wrong. what was the matter. are you alone? if yes, why? i'm here to talk if you want to...
  5. 5.

    listen buddy
  6. 6.
    @33 ok. have a great sleep bro. take a depth breath and remember the all the peoples love you.
  7. 7.
    @4 "your speaking is will never gonna be.." şekspir mezarında ters döndü o nasıl ingilizce dıbına koyim
  8. 8.
    before make a complex sentences like that one, you have to know that talking freely isn't easy to make in any language. i'm just doin it without any purpose of gain something. but why? why i have to talk english? it's easy man. i'm bored.
  9. 9.
    yo mama is so poor, she cant even pay attention xd
  10. 10.
    shut the fuck up you motherfucking college boy
  11. 11.
    The 11 dimension, i remember it as time and quantum? what's the time or like gravity maybe, not really my topic, but i'd like to read. seems interesting..
  12. 12.
    @43 i don't think that it explains everything. when i was watching a video related to that theory, i saw another video called "understanding another dimensions" or something just like that. i tried to make a connection between them. i don't remember anything about later.
  13. 13.
    Here and
    i really advise
    You to read about
    Seduction techniques.
    This issue is complex and
    Contraversial in which you
    Can find intelligence. this is
    Like an enlightment in relations
    and sexual life where You can become
    aware of your Best self in your entire life.
    How can you communicate with a female
    In subliminal level and turn her on very easily?

    (bkz: amlılarla iletişim 101 dersi için sınıflara)
  14. 14.
    @39 "theory of m" is 11 dimension format of the string theory. scientist and theorem physicist claim it explains everything. do you think this explains everything? every variation of material? i don't think so.
  15. 15.
    you did bin
  16. 16.
    This is about to go viral
  17. 17.
    @62 ahahah. what a lack of people.
  18. 18.
    @27 i live in a german speaking country so we can. inci dikşinariy :D hahaha i laughed unnecessarily

    @31 thanks mate.
  19. 19.
    @37 it's close. the "string theory".
  20. 20.
    @36 m-theory? if you mean that. i know.