1. 1.
    well with this topic i guess im gonna go with the second one. so here goes nothing:

    we live in a world where all the creatures screw each other including mankind. as a conclusion of this intercourse we have this little creature called baby. therefore, with this terrorized world, human beings have to take care of their babies all the time till the kid is ready to be fucked by the life itself. for that reason, the real issue is that when raising the kid is whether the mother's or the father's job to take more responsibility on the kid or both. in my opinion the dad is doing the most of the job while knocking up the chick and afterwards is just the mother's job. so, mother should take the most of the responsibility when we consider the nature of the mothers. on the contrary, if we live in a world which is supposed to be standing on equality and fairness, both parents have got to care for their children and must put all of their efforts on them. having sex does not justify them. they're done with the kid and never-mind the rest.

    in a nutshell, i would purchase a pack of condoms because it's cheaper than having a kid. when we make the necessity calculation we see that 1 condom is about 1tl in turkey and raising kid till the 18's is gonna cost you more than millions. so just consider what im saying man.

    sincerely thank you and fuck you
  2. 2.
    mal. bari türkçesini yaz da burada cümle cümle çevirir insanlar.

    böyle tembellik görmedim hayatımda ya.
  3. 3.
    ni arıyorum bana argumentative essay yazabilir misiniz lan en azından bir fikir verin başlangıç için konularım şunlar: 1 -) dieting makes people fat 2-) both parents should assure equal responsibility in raising their child 3-) privacy is not the most important right
  4. 4.
    oldu, senin ödevlerini de biz yapalım. sen ne işe yarıyordun?
  5. 5.
    @12 nin yazısı güzel olmuş panpa. al, hiç dokunmadan ver hocana
  6. 6.
    @11 ağır haklı
  7. 7.
    @11 in yazdığını yazmaya geldim. hiç olmazsa sen türkçesini önce yaz da, sonra sadece çevırme işi için yardım iste.
  8. 8.
    beleşçi olma otur çalış (bkz: hiç olmazsa gııgıl trınslıt kullın)
  9. 9.
    bunlarin ucu de yanlis amk diyet sisman yapmaz cocuk yetistirilirken kadina daha cok is duser gizlilik en onemli seydir gibtir git simdi
  10. 10.
    trollük yaparken iyiydi amk adam olaydın yazardim
  11. 11.
    yes i doesnt
  12. 12.
    what are you hell fuck go sie
  13. 13.
  14. 14.
  15. 15.
    hadi panpalar yarın hazırlık için önemli bir ödevim var lütfen
  16. 16.
    lan nolur bir yardım edin