
Herkesin bir hikayesi var, ya senin hikayen nedir?
    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
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    soyle diyo panpa

    Yattım Allah, kaldır beniNur içine daldır beniCan bedenden çıkmadıkçaimanla uyandır beniYattım sağıma, döndüm solumaMelekler şahit olsun dinime imanımaYedi melek sağıma, yedi melek solumaBismillah diyerek, dalarım ben uykuyaDuamı ederek, dalarım ben uykuyaYattım sağıma, döndüm solumaMelekler şahit olsun dinime imanı
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    panpalar bi çeviri var hayrına bi el atın şukular şelale olsun ;

    Şöyle bir metin;

    He did brilliantly,and an early problem-the way the other boys at school kidded him about his english accent and manners-had disappeared. Everyone in town knew how bravely his father had died,and this gave Chad a certain romantic interest.
    Captain Burroughs.The 6th Artillery had been Major Jollison’s military unit.Pat held the letter out to me one evening,the moment i came in to door.But she was too upset emotionally to wait until i read it.”He was terribly fond of Chad’s father, Bill.”she said.”And he would like to offer Chad a place tol ive-with his mother in her home just outside London.”
    i looked up from letter.”he says he recognizes danger.”
    “But he is like all Englishman,i suppose.”Pat said.”Rain or shine, bombs or no bombs, they think that England is the only place in the world to live.And of course Chad will be company for his mother.She is old and alone…Oh,Bill,do you think he will go? i shook my head.”i don’t know.But i’ve been afraid he would some day.” “but he has no relatives there. Surely he’d rahter be with us…””its like you said-rain or shine.And he is not really our boy,Pat;we just hope he would be,and he’s tried to pretend.”
    She sighed.”i know,i was only hoping,not talking sense. Well…”she took my arm,”-let’s go up to his room and tell him.
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    yok ebenin amı amk. getir kitap çevirelim hayrına. gibtir.
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    şuraya paragraf koymayın. Millet parayla çeviriyo. Kimse çevirmez hayrına