1. 26.
    Love is a name
    Sex is a game
    Forget the name
    Play the game
  2. 27.
    is alper tunga dead?
    is the world orphaned?
    Did funky take his revenge?
    Now, heart is torn.
  3. 28.
    seneye iyi olacak :(
  4. 29.
    I gotta you
    because you my angel
    because you have vagina
    ohyş boşaldım amk
  5. 30.
    everyone says me in these times
    some of them are calender from heart
    this is it you call life
    gold of it sher pearl fucks
  6. 31.
    While having you, to live with you in your absence is like
    Being suffocated slowly with each breath
    Do you know how many pebbles there are in this beach, scattered with your love?
    Can you count them all, one by one patiently?
    Dont say it is impossible, it does not matter if you can not count either
    Even being suffocated with each breath is so lovely
  7. 32.
    i wanna be your man
    i wanna be your daddy
    i wanna be bull shit
    yeah i am going to general house ?
  8. 33.
    What give you do with your hand.
    it goes with you.
  9. 34.
    The person you've call iyiydi panpa
  10. 35.
    hey u
    you so sexy
    and i'm so overflow
    come and hurry up
    cus i will dead
  11. 36.
    go go go
    alley alley alley

    un dos tres
    alley alley alley
  12. 37.
    Vay amk %90nınız ing. ferre sitelerinden ögrendiniz dimi :D elizabetin bi diğer katkısı
  13. 38.
    @25 nedensiz güldüm şuku.
  14. 39.
    Well she's walking through the clouds
    With a circus mind that's running round
    Butterflies and zebras
    And moonbeams and fairy tales
    That's all she ever thinks about
    Riding with the wind.

    When I'm sad, she comes to me
    With a thousand smiles, she gives to me free
    It's alright she says it's alright
    Take anything you want from me,
  15. 40.
    whats can ı do
    some times
  16. 41.
    im from diyarbakır
    my english is şakır şakır
  17. 42.
    this rhtym aint from west coast niggas
    gotta punch that black suckable ass
    idk why the fuckin drugs are tang
    whatever, pop this shit and bang!

    dn: west coast'a mı gitsem nedir.
  18. 43.
    The time don't now pass before
    And youcan't remeber years after
  19. 44.
    Hadiyin yav ede iyat yapın azıcık
  20. 45.
    All i wanna say is that
    they do not want our dick.