1. 26.
    ilkokul terkmsn amk
  2. 27.
    translate var o.ç gir bak
  3. 28.
    google translate terk .
  4. 29.
    i love my village. because air is clear. people are near by soul. in summer flowers open and everywhere is grgreen. old people so and so make reçel for winter. chilren run. draw your creativy out men. in inci i trust. şuku and undernick are ready for writers.

    al lan türkçeden bire bir çevirdim sana.

    edit: lan gerzekler taşağına çeviri yaptım. mal mal eksilemeyin.
  5. 30.
    hangi seviye lan. bunun beginner i var intermediate i var. i can t speak but i can understand all muhabbeti var. hangisi de baaam yazak çizek verek
  6. 31.
    it doesn't matter for us, for me. big games easy than the other games, unfortunately. everytime is we have the control the games, under the control the games, during the games, we have the some possibility, some big chances, some big okazyon, something like that but, what can i do, sometimes. it is the football, that is the football. something happened everything is something happened. but anyway, now is in the tabele, we have to see the situation, now is second position, and, one point more, i don't want to see the back, i want to see the front and i hope so tomorrow my team's ...

    al panpa
  7. 32.
    @19 haklısın panpa da bilemedik işte
  8. 33.
    hepinize teşekkür ediyorum beyler hepiniz yardımsever adamlarmışsınız verdim şukularınızı girerim nick6larınızı.
  9. 34.
    bildigin ikokullu lan bu
  10. 35.
    orta okul kıreş arası birşey bu amk
  11. 36.
    @25 intermediate panpa
  12. 37.
    i love my village due to its fresh air, lovable people. Besides; lots of different species of flowers flourish in the green tones of my hometown during the summer. For the winter; the elderly prepares jams of different fruits. kids always play running around.
    adam gibi türkçe yazsaydın alayını çevirirdim bin bunu yazmışsın bunu çevirdim ben de.And if you'll excuse me I'll get back to studying american history
  13. 38.
    liselilere ödev yapmiyorum!
  14. 39.
    @33 canın sağolsun
  15. 40.
    i love my country, cause im fucking son of a bitch
  16. 41.
    en iyi ihtimalle liselisin. o derece...
  17. 42.
    I love hot pussies becasue of their amazing scents. However Smellimg a pussy may became a big problem due to ridiculus tredations in my country thus we always masturbats with a soap or spit on it. Because I'm a liseli I'm thinking about pussy double times of a normal person.As a matter of fact that is why I'm learning English ,I may find a innocent tourist girl who don't know much about me or a liseli.

    Al bunu yazım hatalarını düzelt işini görür
  18. 43.
    @31 sen intermediate olduğun halde şu gibimsonik şeyi yazamıyosan ya sende bi mallık var yada okulunda nerden okuyon sen bakıyım?
  19. 44.
    for example, that there diycez my village because the air is very clean seviorum. friendly people. type here is lush flowers bloom everywhere. preparation for winter jam or something makes the elderly. children do the talking, guys trust pearl yaratıclığını runs.
  20. 45.
    i love my village because the air is very clean. friendly people. type here is lush flowers bloom everywhere. preparation for winter jam or something makes the elderly. children runs