1. 1.
    I don't like turkey to, invading lebanon for over 500 years, during world war I, they surrounded the Mount Lebanon District and took all their food and didn't let any food enter the rejion, thousands of people died of hunger, they even took the doctors out of it, and people died very easily of diseases, it was so bad, that third of the population died...

    But still, it was nothing compared to the genocide they made on the armenians...

    So Turkey has some bad history almost everywhere
  2. 2.
    ananı gibecekmiş
  3. 3.
    @2 zenci
  4. 4.
    sizin türk yarra ne güzelmiş be kardeşim bi ara yine kayın bize diyo.
  5. 5.
    valla beyler doğruya doğru bu güne kadar ana içerikli sataşmalara hep helelelolo liseli dedim. ama bu @2 arkadaşımızı da bir dinlemek gerekiyor, çünkü kendisi çok önemli bir hususa parmak basmış ! yarak kafalı olmamak