1. 25.
    up up up raise this title to left testicle. go go go
  2. 24.
    dolar buğala
  3. 23.
    "a right while" ne amın suyu..?

    "a right, while" olacak. şimdi gibtir git.
  4. 22.
    @19 stupid French-fried potatoe ahahahahhaa
  5. 21.
    i'am a villager although i speak in english. noldu yarraaam?
  6. 20.
    @19 so why dont u speak french you cockwanker french toast
  7. 19.
    hahaa.i think, u*re english heavy villager, polite people speaks french.
  8. 18.
    whoever writes in english, is a wanker son of a stupid bitch

    subject suspended
  9. 17.
    ahahhahahaha gigglegigglegigle sigh*
  10. 16.
    @10 thats nonsense . just because u're able to speak and write in english doesnt make u cool and no need to brag about it so let me make it clear for u to understand the point ,its just your thoughts and your beliefs that make u a cool guy


    thank you and fuck you
  11. 15.
    The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
  12. 14.
    Are you disco
  13. 13.
    ahahahaha fucking uneducated people. you can't even understand what i am saying aahahahahahaaa
  14. 12.
    who speaks english is a person likes english dick. except me
  15. 11.
    i ride alonee
  16. 10.
    +1 -1
    @5 he is right man, look to the @7 please. If somebody doesnt speak english, directly usin' that repliciation.
    n after that they r think this "we are cool". wtf ?
  17. 9.
    ingilizcem iyidir ama konuşamam asla :(
  18. 8.
    no i am kola
  19. 7.
    Ar yu ciks
  20. 6.
    dont throw gas grenade sob