1. 1.
    +52 -3
    wikileaksa girmişiz aq

    be careful about the organisation called incisözlük as they are extremely powerful,
    and they like to mass rape absolutely everything on their way to the final goal.
    their motto inci giber is a summary of their few main goals, they call what they
    do at tv shows and demonstrations "gibertme" "fuckertme". their leaders are deeply
    undercover but as the intels report us, we know three of them who they call dedeler
    basicly 3 old men naked in bathroom. they are told to be very well educated powerful men
    with outstanding vision. they are only seen once at the website http://www.nobrain.dk

    incimen are extremely dangerous in physical combat as well as their palm skin is callousing
    day by day due to overmasturbating, so one fist can take a soldier down, we should train our troops to proceed with caution to incimen.

    and be careful, inci giber.
  2. 2.
    huur çocuğu benim entryim o.

    (bkz: wikileaks onemli noktalar ozet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/#26318591)

    not: ekşiye de benim arkadaşım yolladı.
  3. 3.
    @42 link ver huur çocuğu.

    huur çocuğu benim entryim o.

    (bkz: wikileaks onemli noktalar ozet xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/#26318591)
  4. 4.
    @50 entrymi çalıp milyon şuku aldı adam amk. son iyi oylananlarına baksana adamın.