1. 101.
    your mom
  2. 102.
    YOU ARE SOON OF BITCH !!! ingilizcem bu kadarına izin veriyor
  3. 103.
    Where are you sirkan?
  4. 104.
    will you go out with me?
  5. 105.
    something like that but, what can i do, sometimes? :D
  6. 106.
    Yes ay dozont
  7. 107.
    heading ne oç, topic diye bi kelime duymadın mı?
    1. 1.
      it's like newspapers'

      look, "title" would be true BUT you see the all the articles on left frame and they look like "news" of this site. so "heading" would be much better. i know what i do trust me.
  8. 108.
  9. 109.
    I cant konuşamıyor yavurca *
  10. 110.
    bozun amk türkçe konuşun oçlar
  11. 111.
    are you sex
  12. 112.
    Ayı yogi yugo
  13. 113.
    why is that all minuses

    ayy lmao
  14. 114.
    can you can a can as a canner can can a can ?
  15. 115.
    I love you,i love you. Do you love me?Yes,i do, Do you love me love me love,i love you i love you,...
  16. 116.
    My name.is name
  17. 117.
    Now most advanced users have had been asking if we can then be able to downgrade our owned Galaxy S6 or Galaxy S6 Edge running on Android 5.1.1 update and return it back to the old Android 5.0.2 firmware. The direct answer is No! Why is that and how come Samsung implemented that policy which some folks from Android community might disagree?

    There are some good reason why some folks prepared an Android smartphones instead of something else. One of these main reason is that they liked on tinkering and tweaking their devices. People that used to loved into rooting installing custom OS, so they can install any 3rd party apps that requires a rooted device before it can be actually installed. Whilst using a customized OS rectified the device the way how it look and feel according to the owners liking.

    Why we are not allowed to downgrade the Galaxy S6 from Android 5.1.1 to 5.0.2?
    The answer resides how the Android 5.1.1 update being built. It has now added with a secured “bootloader” which is only a part of the whole Android ecosystem. There are also some several factors like the updated security patches against its vulnerability to thieves and other apps exploitation. All of it is for the sake to improved the device security, no matter if the owners might disagree or not.

    What will happen if we downgrade our Galaxy S6 from Android 5.1.1 back to 5.0.2?
    If one had to forcefully downgrade his/her Galaxy S6 from Android 5.1.1 to 5.0.2 it cause into a serious problem. Doing so well just ended-up the device into a sudden soft-brick status. The device will just stays in boot loop and just stuck in Samsung logo. It couldn’t boot normally to the home screen and will just stay in the welcome screen no matter how many times you turn it off and on. And even doing a factory reset will not tend to work and cannot fix the problem.

    Basically, we may say that there is something on the Android 5.1.1 update that prevents from installing back the previous Android 5.0.2 version. Instead, it will only causes a mismatch error to the new Android 5.1.1 firmware and that is how the device basically experiencing a soft-brick status. But in technical aspects, the soft-brick problem occurs because the new Android 5.1.1 has an updated “boot loader” version. Adding to that it is the new “Kernel” version it uses. Flashing back the old Android 5.0.2 that still holds the old “bootloader” and “Kernel” version will not work.
    1. 1.
      Let them fuck who reads

      (okuyanı gibsinler
  18. 118.
    mothe fak yu
  19. 119.
    go to me do can but the..
  20. 120.
    guys my phone is not suitable for the 4.5g technology and i have bought this shit just 3 months ago and im sure that most of us are gonna have to change their phones because of this update. besides, our phone's value will decrease deeply. isn't this kinda fraud ?