1. 26.
    @ 12 inci bunun altına imzamı atar kaşemi basarım... (müdürüm)
  2. 27.
    @1 mükemmeldi panpa saolasın
  3. 28.
    @12 ağır haklı

    millet olarak kibrimiz mağrurumuz herşeyin üstünde maaşallah, her an biri çıksa da koltuklarımızı kabartacak şeyler anlatsa modundayız

  4. 29.
    ilk başta inanmamıştım bu yazıya ama doğruymuş. adam amerikada savaş kahramanı ve bizim askerler hakkında süper yazı yazıyo vay anasını
    bu da ingilizcesi:
    anthony hebert's (who was us the liasion officer at the first days) writes in his book "soldier";

    (from another forum) "the turks were of about a company size. we established a perimeter on our hill and sat back to wait for some further word. i didn't speak their language and nobody in their group spoke english, so we spent a cold, quiet night and the next morning found ourselves surrounded by chinese. i was nervous.
    there i was with a unit that had never been in combat before, we were surrounded and i couldn't even talk to them. they couldn't have been happier. they were having a picnic. every way they looked, it was the front. they could fire in any direction and kill chinese. they used up most of the morning doing just that, while i sat around trying to figure out how i could get the hell out of there. by the time the sun was high, everybody's ammo was low, but the turks were calm as hell about it.
    they formed a skirmish line, fixed their bayonets and faced north with grins on their faces. i saw the direction they were facing and knew instantly it wasn't where i wanted to go. i jumped up and jammed my fist to the south. their line whirled, and i suddenly found myself swept along in one of the most sucessful, old fashioned bayonet charges of the entire korean war. i learned a lesson from that.
    the turks are never trapped. it's the people who surround them who are in trouble. watching them use their bayonets that day was a revelation they were dervishes. they had a peculiar style--one i hadn't learned back at benning. they lunged, drove the bayonet into the abdomen, whirled, struck down hard on top of the rifle with their with their left hand and consequently disembowled their victims. my most vivid memory of that charge is of my gratitude to god or the united nations or whoever was resposible for putting the turks on our side."

    later, hebert was awarded a turkish medal for his bravery with the turkish soldiers. he was the most decorated enlisted man in korean war."

    kaynak: http://inci.ca/u5y8m7j3ia
  5. 30.
    hilal- taktiği
  6. 31.
    okudum amk iyiymiş gurur duydum eyvallah
  7. 32.
    @26 hilal kuralı ne amk kaç yüz yillik taktiği kural yaptı gibtir git yat giberun
  8. 33.
    uzatmayın binler Türk her yerde hunharca giber
  9. 34.
    tüylerim diken diken dıbına koyım
  10. 35.
    güzel hoşuma gitti
  11. 36.
    nato ülkesi olmak zor iş... uşaklık kanları gazileri görmüyor.. uşaklık parayı görür paraya hizmet eder ancak..
  12. 37.
    ne için kimin için savaştıklarını bile bilmeyen, emperyalizmin köleliğine şehit olmuş yüzlerce türk askerinden neden bahsetmemiş süper madalyalı general ?

    tüylerim diken diken oldu diyenin zütüne ibrahim tatlısesin yannanı girsin.

    zırcahilsiniz hala dıbına koyayım